Saturday, July 10, 2010


A few weeks ago, we had a long weekend in Paris -- and over our 6th wedding anniversary, to boot. I had been invited to give a talk at ENS Cachan, and we were given a terrific hotel right next to the Jardin du Luxembourg. And we ate. We ate very well, from charcuteries to croissants and from veal cheek to oysters.

Oysters at the Galleries LaFayette...

...and at dinner on our anniversary

Spices and rubs...

...and salt from all corners of the world

Treats at Foucher...

...and at La Cure Gourmande

We hadn't been to Paris for nearly five years -- we were last there on leave from Yaounde, passing back from Tunis -- but my impression was much the same: rain; busy, smelly streets; decrepit public transit; a lack of time. But the food! Oh, the food is excellent.

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